Young & Old
Some in between.
Shauna and Billy.
6 couple square?
Yes it is 6 couples.
It is an Alan thing.
We keep Alan in the dark
Star Promenade
California Twirl
Christmas Party at the Howell's 2010
What did you get me for Christmas?
If you cannot Dance ~ Eat!
Christmas Party at the Howell's 2010
Youngest Class Member
We're leaving now ~ been fun!
Red,White,Blue Halfway Memorial Dance
Don Rush doing what he does best. .
Right & Left Grand
Happy Dancin'
Watching the club dance
Frank and Linda
We danced at the Mt Olive Church of God
Dancing at Mt Olive COG
Pirates and Hula dancers
Welcome to our Valentines Day Dance...
Y'all Come!
Is this one better, Don?
See Ya Later!
Circle to the left
Line dancing is fun
Ray and Jordan (Snow White)
We had hippies at our masquerade dance...
We had settlers coming to the dance
![4 Squares](/images/4sqrs.jpg)
Four Squares
![Arron and James](/images/aaronjames.jpg)
Arron and James
![Don Rush](/images/calling.jpg)
Don Rush at McDonald
![Betty James](/images/bettyjames0528.jpg)
Betty and James
![Betty James](/images/bettyjames1.jpg)
Betty James
![Bill Hug](/images/billhug.jpg)
Bill Hug
![Bill Pat Kathy](/images/billpatkathy1.jpg)
Bill, Pat and Kathy Burns
![Charles and Alvin Burns](/images/charlesalvin.jpg)
Charles and Alvin
![Charlotte Cooley and Woody](/images/charlottewoody.jpg)
Charlotte and Woody
![Choo Choo Festival 2010](/images/choo10s.jpg)
Choo Choo Festival 2010
![Choo Choo Festival, Allemande Hall](/images/choo20e.jpg)
Choo Choo Festival
![Choo Choo Festival](/images/choo21.jpg)
Choo Choo Festival
![Choo Choo Festival](/images/choo26e.jpg)
Choo Choo Festival
![Choo Choo Festival](/images/choo29e.jpg)
Choo Choo
![CASDA Choo Choo](/images/choo32.jpg)
Choo Choo
![CASDA Choo Choo](/images/choo41.jpg)
CASDA Choo Choo
![Train Allemande Hall front porch](/images/chootrain.jpg)
Train at Allemande Hall
![Chuck Baldwin](/images/chuck.jpg)
Chuck Baldwin
![class at McDonald](/images/class.jpg)
Class at McDonald